It's December, and the season for giving!

So this month, we've reduced the price per thousand on our Australian Fax Database and to help with your Christmas shopping (or just so that you can spoil yourself) we're giving a $100 Westfield Gift Card to the winner of our regular competition. Our last winner, Serena Findlay, knows how easy it is to win!

But more importantly, it's also the season to reach people who are spending!

One easy, efficient way to do that is through our fax database. You can reach a range of Decision Makers including CEOs, Marketing, HR, IT, Finance and Sales. It's also possible to select by type of business, from Accountants through to Zoos! What could you offer them?

Plus, do you ever wonder who buys those appliances and products from TV? We know who, and we can help you contact them too. And as customers who spend an average of $200 on each purchase, there's all the more reason you should!

Finally, a quick note that we will be closing over Christmas, but there's still time to get your enquiries or orders in. Our closing dates are listed below.

Happy holidays.
Caroline Gawron.


Festive savings for faxes
Whoever you're looking for, the Australian Fax database has over 440,000 companies and offers you a simple, quick and cost effective means of promoting your product or service. And until Christmas, there's a 20% discount on the rate per '000.
You're sure to find your ideal customer here.



Global Shop buyers
This amazing list contains high value consumers who've purchased household and personal products from direct response TV. They're out there, and willing to spend, so find out if you've got something to offer them here.



Hey big spender
The number of active Australians in the 55+ age range has significantly increased over the last few years. What's more, this growing segment has increased spending power across a wide range of products and services. Find out if they're spending on what you're offering.



Win $100 for Westfield
This BrandLeader's lifestyle list is compiled from responses to self-completed questionnaires from households in Australia. If you respond and tell us the rental price per thousand for telemarketing data, you could win a $100 Westfield Gift Card. Just email the answer to
Start searching our site here to find the answer. For full terms and conditions click here.



Closing for Christmas
Our office will be closed from Wednesdsay 23th December reopening Wednesday 6th January 2009. However there's still time to provide you with a quick, accurate and competitive answer for all your direct marketing list requirements. Contact me to see how I can assist you to reach new customers today.



That's all for '09.
Remember to talk lists or place an order,
call 1300 554 671 or email me at


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We apologise for any inconvenience caused.