November's almost gone!

Christmas is only 6 weeks away, but our giving spirit
has kicked in early. We're still giving away a free 8 gig iPod with any Australian Business list order over $2,000 and we can help you win a $100.00 Myer Gift Card. Congrats also to Vikki Brooke for winning our last competition.

In the lead up to the buying frenzy that is December, you should also check out Transcape. It's a database containing consumers with purchasing histories from mail order and direct response organisations. If you want to reach those that are likely to respond, find them here first.

And with holidays around the corner, check out the Holidays with Kids list. An email database, you can contact those who are travelling to local campsites or luxurious cruises.

Finally, with such good weather, it's time to do the washing. Bring us your telemarketing data and we can wash it in real time to identify disconnected numbers.

Caroline Gawron.


Good business sense
Smart B2B Marketing generates enquires, leads and sales as well as helping establish and maintain brand presence. Smart ordering on any Australian Business List over $2,000 in November will give you a free 8GB iPod. Better get in quick smart!
Order from one of these lists for a free iPod



Transcape trends
Trends suggest those who have purchased are more likely to purchase again. The Transcape database contains people who have made purchases from mail order or direct response organisations previously in Australia and New Zealand. Find out if you've got something to offer them here.



Holiday happiness
Think holidays with kids is hell? Think again. This list contains members with kids who are active holiday makers. So if you've got a product or service that's holiday related, promote it to them through our email database. Find out more here



Win $100 for Xmas
How can we help you this Christmas? Simply tell us the rate per 1000 for the Australian Consumer List. Email us at and we’ll pick one email at random and the winner will receive a $100.00 Myer Gift Card. Start searching our site here to find the answer. For full terms and conditions click here.



Wash your troubles away
Don't waste your time or money calling disconnected numbers in your telemarketing data. Simply provide us with your list of telephone numbers and we can wash it in real time, and give you back a clean, fresh list.
Contact us to start cleaning today



That's all for now.
Remember to talk lists or place an order,
call 1300 554 671 or email me at


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We apologise for any inconvenience caused.