What's worth knowing in the latest Impact List
email? Heaps.

There's deals on data for bargain hunters in OZ and NZ with RewardsCentral.com.au and SmileCity.com. Like eBay on steriods, these two sites allow users to shop and bid on low price products within 20 different categories.

Game for government? The A-Z GovBiz list will help you influence prospects with purchasing power across local, state and federal government. And we've even added in some tips to help you win them over. Or if you're looking for a less conservative data solution, our list of call centre cronies might do the trick.

Remember to try your luck at our website competition. The next round is up and running and so is the iPod Nano to be won. Some entrants have won more than once so you're in with a chance. Sara Sunners-Gormley took the iPod home last round. Enjoy it Sara!

Let's chat soon,
Jackie Chappell


Top trans-tasman buyers
A bargain is a bargain no matter where you live. That's why price hunters are joining websites like SmileCity (NZ) and RewardsCentral (OZ) for cheap goods. Thousands have become members for the great auctions and guaranteed rewards. This month get 50k of member email records for $5K. Or grab all of RewardCentral's data for $25K or SmileCity's for $10K. Just book before Oct 31 and broadcast before Nov 30.
Send them a nice deal in NZ here.
Broadcast a bargain in OZ here.


Profit from the public sector
Get in touch with govenment decision makers with the A-Z GovBiz list and capitalise on the spending power that's dished out from our capital cities. Skip the bidding process and get in contact with those that handle the contracts, so your product or service becomes a government standard. Filter your seach through 21 different criteria and find the person you need to speak to.
Broach the bureaucrats here.



Call centres on queue 4 U
Here's your chance to ring, write or
email a market that's willing to listen with the Call Centre and Help Desk Mangager list. Call Centre Managers, Reservations Managers and Help Desk Managers are all ripe for the picking with this data and their details have been tested meticulously to make sure you get through first time.
Contact them here.



TV buyers 4 tune player
Search our website and tell us how many buyers are on the Global Shop DRTV list and you could win a brand new iPod Nano. Simply send an email to competition@impactlists.com.au with
the answer, and we'll pick one email at random to be the lucky winner who receives. Start searching our site here
to find the answer. For full terms and conditions click here.



Get on the Govt gravy train
Government spending was $343 billion in 09/10. How can you get a piece of that pie? We can help with a few tips. Like did you know that over 40% of government prospects prefer information in the mail? Every little piece of advice can count so here's some simple tips for marketing to the public sector.

1. Identify the departments suitable to what you're offering.

2. Research procurement and purchasing processes.

3. Keep trying. Send multiple packages to get get their attention. Because every time you pop up on their radar - you're brand is getting recognised.
Want to know more? Ask us here.



That's all for now.
Remember to talk lists or place an order,
call 1300 554 671 or email me at jackie@impactlists.com.au


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